We Three Kings Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament


We Three Kings Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament

1 in stock



Handmade Christmas ornament shaped like an ice cream “snow” cone.  Features the three kings on their way to Bethlehem dressed in bright red, purple, and aqua robes with yellow, green, read, and purple floral, diamond, and filigree print designs on them on the cone.  Yellow ric-rac runs up the back of the cone and around the base of the ice cream scoop. It has a yellow taffeta fabric ice cream scoop on top.  Accented with aqua sparkle puffy paint sauce drizzle on top of the ice cream. Has a yellow ric-rac hanger.

Measures approximately 8″ tall (not counting hanger) x 3″ diameter at largest point


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 4 in


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