Ursa Major Bear in the Sky Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament


Ursa Major Bear in the Sky Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament

1 in stock



Handmade Christmas ornament shaped like an ice cream “snow” cone.  Features a red Alaskan bear cutout license plate. The background whitewashed wood and red plaid background.  It has three star tassels attached to the side of the cone, two brown button style ones, one gold Christmas star  hanging from brown cords.  It has a red cotton fabric  ice cream scoop with white stars all over it.  Has a brown ric-rac hanger.

Measures approximately 8″ tall (not counting hanger) x 3″ diameter at largest point


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 4 in


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