Beary Starry Night Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament


Beary Starry Night Christmas Ice Cream Snow Cone Christmas Ornament

1 in stock



Handmade Christmas ornament shaped like an ice cream “snow” cone.  Features a cute little brown teddy bear wearing a sweater vest looking out a window at all the stars and saying his nightly prayers.  The scene has a sparkly red and green holly border around it.  Ombre blue and aqua mohair yarn runs around the base of the ice cream scoop. It has a sea foam green printed satin fabric ice cream scoop on top decorated with silver  and blue metallic stars. Has a chenille aqua yarn hanger.

Measures approximately 8″ tall (not counting hanger) x 3″ diameter at largest point


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 4 in


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