Hello world!

Please come join our blog. Share tips, tricks, stories, and random thoughts. Please feel free to give us feedback, thoughts, and any issues that might come up with our site. If you love a product or one of our creations, we are always happy to hear positive reviews. We can handle those criticisms too, but like them more when they come with a side of humor.

We are just a small factory of 2 elves and three supervisory mutts who give the paws of approval, though our third supervisor is new to the game, just out of rescue school, and has more fun supervising the squirrels than production. Our first elf handles the majority of creating, but also likes to sip wine when crafting, so sometimes projects take a little longer to finish. The other elf, while sometimes creating, is busy handling the not so flashy side of getting things up and working on the site, which can cause much frustration, turning elf two from funny elf to sarcastic elf. With only 2 we are always adding things, but have not found the magical elf juice to make production just fly along, so there are new treasures, just not at warp speed.