Santa Stumped?

Need inspiration for your Christmas gifts? How about a nice, icy cold ice cream cone…these will last forever, though I wouldn’t advise eating them, unless you need some extra fiber for the holidays. Where to penguin…march to our ornament section… How about a Santa on a stick (ok a sliced stick) or maybe Rudolph onRead More

Is it Spring Yet….

Is it summer yet….. Well since we still have so much snow, we figured you could use some.  While we were plowing, shoveling, and moving snow – we decided to send some of  it your way… anybody up for a snowcone?  No – a smoke and a pancake, a blitz and a bong? Not yourRead More

Tis the Season….

Tis the season and the elf and I have been busy trying to add new items.  We have more in our second hand treasures, you might just find something you always wanted, and we added to our handmade section.  If you are in the market for a slightly smaller tree this year – check outRead More

What’s new pussy cat…. whoo whoo whoa

It’s been a while…. How’s it going all.   Just an update on what is going on here.  We have added quite a bit to our library, and lots more to come, so see if you can’t find a new favorite read on there.  Don’t forget to check in our second hand finds as well, weRead More

Boo! Halloween is Creeping up on You…..

Are you ready for Halloween? Need decoration inspiration or a new decoration? Checkout our Halloween themed S’mores and tabletop tree with black cats, pumpkins, spiderwebs, and creepies included. Even one of our fairy doll’s is in the spirit.

Happy New Year and Looking Ahead…

Wishing everyone a happy new year…. hope you will come back and join us often and check out our new exciting items coming to our site. Keep an eye out for all kinds of newbies…. We are always adding new vintage treasures and reloved products, but here is a sneak peak of our new handmadeRead More

We’re working on it…

This website is by no means done, it is a work in progress and we know that there are little things that still need some attention. We are new to this and are figuring out things as we go and are working on it. Please, if you see an issue, let us know and pleaseRead More

Salutations and Handshakes.

Welcome! You are now entering the wacky world that is our website. After working on this site for close to forever, figuring out all the kinks and learning some of that foreign language called code, we bring to you our very first attempt at a working website. Ta-da! Ok, so it might not be theRead More

Hello world!

Please come join our blog. Share tips, tricks, stories, and random thoughts. Please feel free to give us feedback, thoughts, and any issues that might come up with our site. If you love a product or one of our creations, we are always happy to hear positive reviews. We can handle those criticisms too, butRead More