“Oh Deer” Holographic Holiday 3D Reindeer Wood Disc Christmas Ornament


“Oh Deer” Holographic Holiday 3D Reindeer Wood Disc Christmas Ornament

1 in stock



Oh Deer ornaments are handmade Christmas ornaments featuring a 3D Rudolph reindeer on wooden discs.  Each reindeer has it’s own Paw-sonality, well technically I guess it would be hooves-sonality. Holographic holiday  has a dark navy paper background studded with with metallic ombre discs of pink, green, purple, blue, orange and red, that sort of have a holographic effect. Makes you want to break out the old disco ball and party lights.  The reindeer is made of stuffed suede head, snout, and ears, along with felt antlers.  Each one has a sparkly red nose, hence the Rudolph or if you prefer they all caught a little cold while pulling the sleigh.  This one likes to show his natural good looks, with just his antlers and ears.  He has on a collar made of gold stripped taffeta ribbon ornamented with a golden bell hanging in the middle.  The hanger is  white and brown candy cane striped cord.

Measures approximately 5.25″ tall from tip of the antlers to the hanging pendant on his neck (not counting hanger) on a 3″ diameter disc


Additional information

Weight 0.19 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 2 in


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